After a stage of activity at school, being president of the student council and being involved in educational projects organized by the Cracow City Hall, came high school.

It was at the age of 16 that I joined my first NGO, it was the association Project: Poland. It was very developing to organize conferences, social actions, but also to build local structures, as we were active all over Poland. Pro-European and liberal values brought together a very diverse and interesting multi-generational community in action. What I recall fondly from this period is precisely the fact of being able to work with people who were very experienced socially and professionally. Suffice it to mention that in this circle were present ministers, MPs, presidents of major marketing agencies or producers of blockbusters...:)

Then came the time of college, into which I entered with the desire to create my own NGO. Having discerned the ossified structures of student self-governments and organizations, I already knew in which areas there was particularly great room for development. Together with a group of like-minded individuals, in September 2012 we founded the All In UJ Association, which I then led for 6 years as CEO and supported for several more as a board member. 

Much more can be written about the most resilient student movement in Poland than the character limit given to us here, so I will limit myself to saying that the greatest asset of this time was the opportunity to spread wings in the areas of team management, processes, but also the unfettered opportunity to create social, cultural or scientific projects. Paraphrasing Kuroń and his "Don't burn committees, set up your own," I will write that at some point in your social development, creating your own NGO is necessary to fly high. Of course, this is a team sport, so you should build your dream team first and foremost. Now being primarily in business, I have left myself a social leg in the form of the Foundation for the Promotion of Culture and the Arts "Chodźże do teatru".

Why do I act? After years I can judge that to tame my ADHD.:)
Nothing in my adult life has given me more satisfaction than creating reality through projects developed from A to Z, working with like-minded people, looking for solutions and improvements. But most of all the fact of who you meet on your way, not everyone is made for social activity, but once you have this GEN you will quickly find a common language!

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